Minsik Jeon

I am a Robotics & Computer Vision researcher at the Agency for Defense Development (ADD) in the South Korea. My research interests lie in computer vision and robotics, with a special focus on robot perception that is generalizable and adaptable under diverse environments. I completed my bachelor's degree (Summa Cum Laude) in School of Computing at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology).

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Research Interests

I am interested in the intersection of computer vision and robotics, with the goal of developing robust perception algorithms for robots across diverse environments. I am particularly interested in methods to learn generalizable features from unlabeled and multimodal datasets, as well as adaptation methods to adjust the models to new target domains.
My current & future interests are as follows:

Domain Adaptation & Generalization
Multi-modal, Open-world perception
Self-supervised Learning
Uncertainty-aware perception
Off-road applications in robotics


Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 2018.03-2022.02

B.S. in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering (Double Major)

GPA: 4.01/4.30 , Summa Cum Laude ; Dean's List 2020 Fall, 2021 Spring, 2021 Fall

Gyeonggi Science High School for Gifted Students, 2015.03-2018.02

High school for talented students in math and science


DA-RAW: Domain Adaptive Object Detection for Real-World Adverse Weather Conditions
Minsik Jeon*, Junwon Seo*, Jihong Min
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024.
project page / video / arXiv

An UDA framework for object detection that can effectively adapt to real-world adverse weather conditions by addressing Style & Weather gaps separately.


Adaptive Path Planning Based on Situational Awareness and Dynamic Model Learning
Agency for Defense Development, 2023-Present

Developing perception and control algorithms for off-road navigation: Robust moving object detection & tracking in off-road environment, semantic terrain classification map.

Unmanned reconnaissance vehicles development
Agency for Defense Development, 2023

Developed an LiDAR-IR fusion method for robust object detection under visibility-constrainted scenarios.

Deformable Object Recognition Technology
Agency for Defense Development, 2022-2023

Developed an open-set 2D & 3D object detection method for LiDAR pointcloud.

Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC)
USRG @ KAIST (Advised by Prof. David Hyunchul Shim), 2021

Participated in the Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC), the first autonomous car racing competition to be held in Indianapolis, as an intern for Team KAIST. As part of a perception team, I tested algorithms using camera and lidar in a simulation environment.

Microscopy Image Artifact Removal & Superresolution
NICA Lab @ KAIST (Advised by Prof. Young-Gyu Yoon), 2021

Developed a removal network that addresses the line artifact of SCAPE microscopy image, using CycleGAN-like model and transferring the image into a CFM style.

Performance and Operation Analysis of On-Board RAID
SK Hynix, 2020

In Performance analysis team, configured On-board RAID using SSDs and conducted performance evaluations for each RAID option.

Template from Jon Barron's wonderful work.